Not sure what you’re looking for? Maybe it’s here.
Georgia Equality - Advancing fairness, safety, and opportunity for LGBT Georgians
PFLAG - Peer-to-peer support and advocacy for the LGBTQ community
National Black Justice Coalition - Working to end racism, homophobia, and LGBTQ/SGL bias and stigma
Health & Wellbeing
Equality Clinic of Augusta - Providing equitable care for all
Augusta Area Health Providers - Providers who offer LGBTQ services
Starland Family Practice - Primary care for all individuals (Savannah, GA)
Lost-N-Found Youth - Safety and shelter for Atlanta’s LGBTQ+ youth
Freedom Through Recovery - Alphabet Gang Recovery meeting Saturdays at 10am. For meeting info & peer support please call Rachael Baker 912 516 8752 (226 S. Zetterower Ave. Statesboro, GA 30458)
The Camilla Foundation - TCF is a non-profit based in Bulloch County that works to remove financial barriers to mental health services for underprivileged youth (ages 3 to 18) in our community. Contact kalie@thecamillafoundation.org or 334-782-8856.
Refuge Recovery - Refuge Recovery has started up in Statesboro for those in addiction recovery (substance and process alike), and is inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community.
Peer Recovery and Respite Center of Augusta - Georgians 18 years of age or older who self-identify as living with a mental health concern may utilize one of the four private bedrooms for 7 nights every 30 days as an alternative to psychiatric hospitalization. Respite is also available for peers who may be overwhelmed by life challenges, and could benefit from support. Participation in recovery and wellness activities is entirely voluntary.
Phone 706-426-4030
24-Hour Augusta Peer2Peer Warm Line 706-738-3548
GLSEN - Creating a better world for LGBTQ students
Lifeguard Workshop (The Trevor Project) - Free online learning resources for adults who work with LGBTQ youth
Colage - Dedicated to nurturing, supporting and empowering people with LGBTQ+ caregivers
Family Acceptance Project - Strengthening families to support LGBTQ youth
First City Pride Center - Inclusive advocacy, social, and service organization in Savannah, GA
SC Pride - South Carolina Pride Movement